Eggs For Education

Eggs For Education

Support our sister congregation, Manantiales del Desierto, with Eggs for Education.

Public education in El Salvador may be technically free, but for many children, accessing quality education is far from easy. From hidden costs to financial barriers, numerous challenges hinder their educational journey, perpetuating cycles of poverty and limiting their potential.

Beyond tuition fees, families often grapple with additional expenses such as uniforms, transportation, supplies, and extracurricular fees. These seemingly minor costs can quickly add up, becoming significant obstacles for impoverished families.

That’s where you can make a difference. By supporting our Eggs for Education El Salvador School Scholarships initiative, you’re helping to remove these financial roadblocks. Your contribution ensures that children can focus on learning, not worrying about how to afford essential supplies or transportation to school.

Here’s how you can help: Purchase our Solid Eggs for $10 or Striped Eggs for $20. Your gift goes directly towards providing scholarships for deserving students in El Salvador.

To contribute, simply place cash in envelopes or make checks payable to Holy Cross, marking them as “El Salvador Scholarships.” You can drop them in the offering plate during church services or turn them in at the church office.

Your support will make a tangible difference in the lives of these children, offering them hope, opportunity, and a brighter future. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to education for all.

Together, let’s ensure that the children at our sister congregation, Manantiales del Desierto, have access to the education they deserve.