Confirmation – Christian Education

Confirmation – Christian Education

WHY CONFIRMATION? – Confirmation is a deliberate and intensive time to connect middle school youth with their faith.  Students will learn about the promises made on their behalf by parents and godparents.  They will then affirm those promises on the last Sunday of October in their 9th-grade year.

Pastor Meredith looks forward to starting off Confirmation in October but she can’t do it alone. We need willing small group leaders. Please let Pastor Meredith know if you are willing to serve again this year or if you are a newly enrolled parent, please volunteer.

 Please register with the attached form.

NEW THIS YEAR –  Confirmation will begin in 6th grade and will be completed in October of their 9th-grade year.

          There are two choices available for 6th graders:

  1. During your 6th-grade year, you may opt to be a Messenger and/or Small Group Helper on Sunday morning for Faith Development.  Faith Development is and 9:00 am runs through the school year. *


  • Join 7th and 8th graders for Student Ministry Night.*

*Each option includes attending Midweek Lenten services with a mentor – more information to come!

Ninth graders will attend during October.

6th, 7th, and 8th GRADERS

  • Confirmation Small Groups will meet during Student Ministry Nights held in the Trinity Center from October through Lent.
  • During Lent, students will meet with mentors and attend midweek services together and meet before and after for mentor conversations.
  • Following Easter, Student Ministry Night will continue with Worship, service projects, crazy antics, making connections, and planning summer trips.

9TH GRADERS – will be confirmed on October 30at the 10:30 am service.  More information to come!

Schedule for the next few years

  • October 4 – March 29 – 2023/24  
  • October 2 – March 20 –  2024/25       
  • October 1 –  April 9 –  2025/26          
  • October 7 –  March 25 – 2026/27

This Year’s

  • 8th Graders Confirmed October 29, 2023
  • 7th Graders Confirmed October 27, 2024
  • 6th Graders Confirmed October 26, 2025

Students are often our best evangelists and are invited to bring friends who might be interested in exploring the faith.

Please let us know if your student has not yet received the Sacrament of Baptism as we would like to plan a service together.