Upcoming events are listed on this page, while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also see events on our Events Calendar.
Pizza, Party and Prayer
A gathering for the 4th-6th graders!
Worship Service
Worship Service/In Person & Live Streamed
“Lit” Happens Book club
“Lit” Happens Book Club meets the first Monday of every month. If Interested in joining please contact Deacon Ellie below. First book to discuss is “Grandmother told me to tell you, I’m sorry” 12:30pm – Fellowship 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm – Book Discussion
Preschool Board Meeting
Ministry Team Meeting
Quilt Guild
We are a quilting guild that meets at 6:30 pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month. All are welcome to join us for special projects, charity work, guest speakers, sharing ideas, show & tell, food, fun, & merriment. All levels of quilters and crafters are welcome!
Taco Lunch at Hephatha
Serving Taco lunch at Hephatha. if you are interested in helping contact Stan or Tammy at Lunchteam@holycrosslutheran.org.
Ministry Team Meeting
The Healing Network
Team Meeting
Church Council
Church Council Meeting
Men in Mission
Lutheran Men in Mission is a men’s ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are building a dynamic ministry addressing the needs of men of all ages. The program allows men to build trusting relationships with other Christian men, and is open and non-threatening to un-churched men. For more information about LMM events, resources and ministry ideas, go to www.lutheranmen.org.
Menomonee Falls Camera Club
Menomonee Falls Camera Club Meeting “Tabletop Photography”. Members will photograph small objects (e.g., coins, small flowers, etc) that they bring and place on tables to photograph up close, some using special close-up lenses and some using supplemental lighting.
Mary Circle
Mary Circle welcomes all women to join us for fellowship and Bible study. We meet in the church Gathering Place at 4:00-5:30 PM, usually on the 3rd* Sunday of the month. We skip the summer months, but gather for a picnic in June and a Christmas party in December. The Bible study is such that you could join us anytime and even just come occasionally. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 262-251-2740.