Sermons on Spiritual Growth

Sermons on Spiritual Growth

Hello! My name is Jay, and I am an alcoholic

“Hello! My name is Jay, and I am an alcoholic.” And that is how I introduce myself at any meeting of Alcoholic’s Anonymous. Now, I realize that this is a church service, and not an AA meeting. But I have known many recovering Christians who have wished that their congregation was as open and honest about their lives and problems, and at the same time as accepting and supportive of their recovery, as is the AA community. Read More Below…


Testimonies from two of our members; Jim, a 31 year recovering alcoholic and Linda’s family life living with an alcoholic and their stories of healing, growth and hope.

Dear Paul;

The final chapter of Galatians ties up what Paul has been discussing throughout the letter to the people of Galatia. In the first half of the chapter Paul continues the theme of healthy living in the community, and in the second he addresses, for the final time, the particular pressing issues in Galatia.