Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, where I have had the privilege of serving as Senior Pastor for nearly seventeen years. We are living into our values of being a Rooted, Relevant, and Relational congregation. I love to tell stories but would never “jest” about our mission which is “To grow disciples across all generations to do justice, welcome with love, and serve humbly with God.”
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, where my dad worked for Texaco, Inc. We moved back to the New York City metropolitan area, and I grew up in northern New Jersey and then Miami, Florida when my father was again transferred because of work. I came to the Midwest to attend Concordia College (ELCA) in Moorhead, Minnesota, and worked as a Church Worker in Minneapolis after graduation. I then attended Luther Seminary in St. Paul, graduating with my Master of Divinity in June of 1986. In 2000, I graduated with a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. I have served congregations in Byron and Faribault, Minnesota, and here at Holy Cross since September 2005. My Lutheran roots go back to the 16th century on both sides of my family. `
I met my husband, Paul Bedker, who was the architect for our church addition at First English Lutheran in Faribault. We were the first couple to get married after it was completed! We love living and serving in this beautiful area of God’s creation. We have two cats named Anthony and Cleopatra, aka Tony and Cleo who let us live with them in a lovely lofted apartment in Menomonee Falls. Paul and I love the road less traveled and have traveled extensively in the United States. I enjoy watching European period pieces on TV and reading books with characters that make me never want to get to the last page. Our friends and family are cherished and live near and far.