As the Minister of Care and Community, Deacon Ellie’s primary work includes ministry to senior citizens and disabled adults. She is the liaison for many ministries at Holy Cross. She communicates with important community, synod, and local and regional agencies to support those over 65 and disabled adults. She also helps to support those who are sick by performing home, hospital, nursing home, and rehabilitation center visits. Ellie also runs our Prayer Chain. Her hard work here brings care and comfort to many.
Deacon Ellie was born in Milwaukee and grew up in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. She joined Holy Cross in 1974. Here she married, raised her children, volunteered, received her call and was commissioned as a Deacon in the ELCA. Deacon Ellie joined the Holy Cross staff in August of 1999. Deacon Ellie is currently working with the adults 65 and older in the congregation. Her main areas of care are through Stephen Ministries, the Care and Community Ministry Team, phone calls and visits.
Deacon Ellie and her husband Bob have two married children, along with a grandson. She enjoys gardening, camping, reading and cruising in their Mustang.