Annika Sayrs

Annika Sayrs


I was born and grew up in and around Milwaukee and graduated from MATC in May 2024. I have always harbored a love for music and the arts ever since I was little, which slowly transitioned from drawing, painting, and animating to music and sound. In my high school days, I would try to be as close to music as possible by taking piano lessons, helping around the music room, and spending time tutoring peers. I graduated college with an Associate’s Degree in Audio Production and spent a year doing live sound while in the program.


I have a huge passion for animals, too! I currently house ten fish, a rabbit, and a gecko named Yoshi with plans to own more reptiles in the future. I used to play a variety of instruments, including cello, flute, and oboe, but have since niched down to guitar and piano. I plan to learn how to play the bass guitar, trumpet, saxophone, and violin at some point. I love to draw on occasion, play board games with my siblings, and spend time with my close friends and loved ones.

Event Custodian
Rob Seidemann
Technologies Manager
Patrick Kendall