As our Director of Communications, Angelica has primary responsibility for all communications of Holy Cross. She will create and implement a strategy of digital evangelism and will work closely with our Pastors, Parish Administrator, and Ministry Teams in creating content, copy, and visuals for our website, social media platforms, worship production, print publications, and press relations.
Angelica has approximately 13 years of professional Communications experience at church level, agency level, for small mom and pop shops, and large corporations. Her work has been published in magazines, online blogs, newspapers, social media outlets, and more. She also has her Master’s Degree in Communications and earned a 4.0 GPA.
My goal is to increase our community both online and in person through getting to know our audience and understanding their needs.
When Angelica is not working out doing Zumba, Yoga, or weight lifting, she is shopping, hiking, or doing something creative like social media. She is a vegan health nut and a self-declared fruit snob. Angelica is an enthusiastic explorer of small towns and hopes to find more time to travel. She is a friendly upbeat personality that is great to have around the office.
Angelica is incredibly approachable; feel free to stop by and say ‘hi’. She loves it when you send her photos from our events to share on social media. You can send them to communications@holycrosslutheran.org