Katsandonis Baptism
Katsandonis Baptism at 10:30am
Worship hosted by The RIC Team
All Worship Services this weekend will be hosted by The RIC Team
Healing Network Seminar
Healing Network Seminar.
Movie Night!
What: Join us for Sing!, snacks, and fun. Who: 2nd – 6th grade. Feel free to invite your friends. When: October 14, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Fischer Baptism
Fischer baptism at the 10:15am Worship Service
Walgreen’s Immunization Clinic
Flu Immunization and Pfizer Covid updated boosters will be available at Holy Cross. Location of shots will be at the preschool entrance and drive thru. Proof of insurance is required and you will need to fill the Walgreen’s consent form. Click on the Register button, fill out and bring with you.
Worship Services hosted by RIC Team
All Worship Services this weekend will be hosted by The RIC Team. We are pleased to welcome special guest preacher, Pastor Char Guilini (ELCA Pastor).
Worship Team
Worship Team Meeting
Stephen Ministry Meeting
Ministry Team Meeting
Worship Services hosted by RIC Team
All Worship Services this weekend will be hosted by The RIC Team.
Pet Blessing Worship Service
Your and your pets are invited to worship for a special pet blessing.
Your Choice to Live Presentation
Join us for a presentation reflecting on drug trends, pressures, and communication conducted by the Addiction Resource Council in conjunction with Your Choice Prevention brought to you by The Healing Network. This is for our confirmation youth, high school youth, their families, and anyone interested in drug and alcohol prevention with our youth. Topics will include: Brain Development Peer Pressure Communication between parents and child The mental health connection Current trends in alcohol, nicotine, vaping, opioid use, and marijuana For…