Live Nativity
Live Nativity service
Advent 4
Fourth week of Advent
William Boehler Funeral
Visitation Friday, December 20, 2024Visitation 1:00 pm – 2:45 pmHoly Cross Lutheran Church Memorial Service Friday, December 20, 2024Memorial Service 3:00 pmHoly Cross Lutheran Church We will gather after the service for light refreshments and fellowship. Click here for Bill’s obituary.
Cheers & Carols at The Hot Haus Tavern
We will meet in the Upper Room.
Henry Young Baptism
Henry Young Baptism at the 10:30 am service.
Advent 3
3rd week of Advent
Blue Christmas Worship Service
Blue Christmas Worship Service
Menomonee Falls Children’s Choir Concert
Menomonee Falls Children’s Choir Concert
Menomonee Falls Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Menomonee Falls Childrens Choir rehearsal
Advent by Candlelight
Enjoy a candlelit afternoon full of friends, fellowship, and cookies. You may host a table or simply join one. Each table will be decorated with holiday cheer. Sign up to host a table or to attend. Feel free to bring friends. Please fill out a form for each person so we can have an accurate count. You do not need to volunteer in order to attend.
Zoe Ellen Smatlak Baptism
Zoe Ellen Smatlak Baptism at the 10:30 am service.
Advent 2
Second week of Advent