Meetings (Page 2)
Church Council
Church Council Meeting
Men in Mission
Lutheran Men in Mission is a men’s ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are building a dynamic ministry addressing the needs of men of all ages. The program allows men to build trusting relationships with other Christian men, and is open and non-threatening to un-churched men. For more information about LMM events, resources and ministry ideas, go to
Mary Circle
Mary Circle welcomes all women to join us for fellowship and Bible study. We meet in the church Gathering Place at 4:00-5:30 PM, usually on the 3rd* Sunday of the month. We skip the summer months, but gather for a picnic in June and a Christmas party in December. The Bible study is such that you could join us anytime and even just come occasionally. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 262-251-2740.
Worship Team
Worship Team Meeting
Healing Network Workshop
Healing Network Workshop
Cross training Community for Newcomers
New members are welcome to come and find out about joining Holy Cross. Please use the contact form below if you are interested or have any questions.
Healing Network Training for Clergy
Healing Network Training for Clergy
2025 Synod Assembly
Pastors, deacons and lay leaders from across the Greater Milwaukee Synod meet to worship, enjoy fellowship, and vote on business including our budget and elected positions. This year, we will also hear the results of our Authentic Diversity Audit, and see the final photo storytelling project from our Together in Mission event. Holy Cross is allowed a designated amount of lay leaders. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jeff at the church office.
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