Upcoming events are listed on this page, while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also see events on our Events Calendar.
Preschool M/W/F classes & T/T Classes For more information, Please contact Tammy Seidemann Preschool Director or check out our website.
Holy Cross Preschool Fundraiser
The Holy Cross Preschool (soon to be School Advisory) Board is excited to launch monthly booster nights at local restaurants! These events will help close the budget gap and plan for the school’s future. Order in person or online through cafezupas.com or the Zupas app for up to 25% of your order to go towards helping Holy Cross Preschool School. When ordering on-site be sure to tell the cashier you are doing our fundraiser. When ordering online, select our fundraiser at…
School Advisory Board Meeting
School Advisory Board Meeting
School Advisory Board Meeting
School Advisory Board Meeting
Weight Loss Group
Terrific Tuesday Big Book Meeting
AA Meeting if you are seeking sobriety.
The Quilters are busy making quilts on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 am. They would love to teach you to tie quilts…no sewing skills are necessary! For more information click here.
The University of Wisconsin Extension StrongBodies Program is based on the StrongWomen Program that was created by Professors Miriam E. Nelson and Rebecca Seguin. StrongBodies will catalyze positive change in people of all ages to live stronger, healthier lives by providing knowledge, inspiration, access to programs, and ongoing support. Sign up at 262-548-7789 or email jillian.smith@wisc.edu
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
We welcome new members of high school age and older. No auditions are required. Please contact Mike Jacklin with any questions.
Midweek Discipleship
Discipleship is the way of following Jesus. It is a lifelong process. ‘When you make disciples you get the church.’ Midweek discipleship is a small group ministry focused on discipleship making. This includes confirmation for 7-8th graders but not limited to this age group. Discipleship is for all ages.
To Do Crew
Fellowship and property fixup. All are welcome!